DJ6ual: An Irish Girl's Blog

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don't be Fooled! is NOT What You Think!

Civil Unrest on the Streets of the United States of America

David SwansonDavid Swanson, author of numerous books, the blog Let's Try Democracy, and a Progressive Activist, is organizing a HUGE Protest with the intention to shut down Washington D.C. until demands to end the four unsanctioned wars the US is involved in are met. Also the protest demands include more educational funding, entitlement assistance for the needy, and an immediate halt to Wall St. Bailouts. A Coalition of Organizations and Noted Leaders have committed to a peaceful occupation of Washington DC, announcing the plan for a People's Occupation of Washington, D.C. starting October 6th and not leaving until the United States government is seen to halt functioning on behalf of Wall Street and a war machine.

October 2011In today's internet age it is easy to get swooped up into an idea like this. It sounds great, like this is going to be a movement of the people for the people, but some would disagree. To understand what all is at stake with this movement let us first look a little closer at David Swanson. Swanson served as press secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign and from 2000 to 2003, he was communications coordinator for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

Barack Obamas Campaign used ACORNBarack Obama's Campaign used ACORN, a national organization representing the poor, to register new voters to vote for him. The senator, now president, became familiar with ACORN in Chicago when he was a community organizer and worked with ACORN staffers. ACORN's history is marked by acts of voter fraud and subsequent criminal convictions arising from these frauds, embezzlement, violent protests and union busting,

The organization was founded in 1970 by Wade Rathke, George Wiley and Gary Delgado. Wade Rathke's brother embezzled $948,607 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations in 1999 and 2000, but ACORN executives did not inform law enforcement. A whistleblower revealed the fraud in 2008, leading to the departure of both Dale and Wade Rathke. The National Labor Relations Board also found that ACORN attempted to thwart union organizing efforts within its own organization by firing two workers attempting to unionize ACORN.

The list of ACORN atrocities goes on and on, but because this article is not meant to focus on that I will leave it to you to look that up for yourself. Knowing that David Swanson's connection to ACORN gives him a direct line of connection to President Barack Obama opened up a can of worms for me. Thanks to the recent Wikileaks documents that have been released we know American Government Officials not only knew about the impending riots in the Middle East, but did all they could to fuel the fire for those uprisings to take place.

To add insult to injury, this was all done in the name of Democracy. America is not a Democracy. There is a very good reason for that. Democracy is used by the United States Government as a weapon. To learn more about how Democracy is a bad thing read, America, or Living in America?

October 2011Despite David Swanson’s connections a vast majority seem to forgive his progressive views and shady background for the intensity and say what I want to hear messages he is famous for putting together. Swanson makes it easy to get involved, without feeling guilty, by advertising his events to wide varieties of groups and his October 2011 People’s Occupation of Washington D.C. is no different. He has offered up an OPEN INVITATION to groups and individuals who wish to support this movement and promised that although the ultimate goals of each may differ on this issue they should all stand, and stand in peace.

Let’s look at some of the attendees of this party, shall we…

° Board of Social Action - Plymouth Congregational UCC, Washington, D.C.
° Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
° ItsOurEconomy
° Liberty Tree
° Liberty Underground of Virginia
° March Forward
° Move To Amend
· New Progressive Alliance
° pax Christi Metro DC - Baltimore
° People for a New Society
° Single Payer Action
° Society for the Preservation of Continued Homeownership
° Tikkun
° War Criminals Watch
° War Is A Crime

George SorosCan anyone connect the dots to how many of these organizations are directly run, in-directly run, or funded by George Soros? Now I am not trying to sound like a repeat of Glenn Beck on Fox News (Now Available at GBTV), but is this really a coincidence? Even Alex Jones (Available at Infowars and Prison Planet) agrees George Soros is one of the masterminds behind the New World Order take over. Anyone who is awake and fights against Global Governance knows that George Soros is a bad man, and a big part of the problem.

George Soros talks about "the creation of a New World Order", he discusses the need for a "managed decline" of the U.S. dollar and he talks at length of the global need for a true world currency. So just who is George Soros? Well, he is a billionaire "philanthropist" who came to be known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" when he raked in a staggering one billion dollars during the 1992 "Black Wednesday" currency crisis. These days Soros is most famous for being perhaps the most "politically active" (at least openly) billionaire in the world. His Open Society Institute is in more than 60 countries and it spends approximately $600 million a year promoting the ideals that Soros wants promoted. Soros and his pet organizations have played a key role in quite a few "revolutions" around the globe over the last several decades, but these days the main goal of George Soros is to bring political change to the United States.

So exactly what is it that George Soros is trying to accomplish? Well, in a nutshell, what he wants is a Big Brother-style one world government based on extreme European-style socialism, strict population control and the radical green agenda. It would be a world where the state tightly regulates everything that we do for the greater benefit of the environment and of society as a whole.

October 2011So is this what we want for America? Is this the revolution we are looking for? I fully understand, and support, rising up against any Shadow Government, New World Order, Bilderberg, Illuminati, Elite, behind the scenes, or even corrupt Government Officials looking to harm Our Republic. I just do not think attacking Washington with this agenda is the proper way to stop anything relevant. There is reason everyone sees this stuff as conspiracy, but just watch while the liberal media makes this protest, sure to turn riot, look like the truth from each and every angle.

Obama and SorosAre you scared yet? You should be. Between the Islamic Extremists hijacking the 9/11 Truther movement allowing for many good concerned American citizens to now be viewed as terrorists and George Soro’s funded “Freedom and Justice” movements protesting to usher in a New World Order and Bring Down Israel at the silent command of Obama and the NWO Illuminati Elite’s, it is difficult to know who to trust. Before you decide to join up in these not so spontaneous outbursts of an “American Spring”, I beg you to do some research on what they are really all about. Make sure they support the same views as you do, and not just an obscure ideal. Stop pretending that people like Obama, Soros, and the entirety of the Bilderberg group are not in charge of these false uprisings, because it is obvious that they are!

Know who you are, what you believe, prepare for tomorrow, and hope for the future!

Obamas New World Order

Learn more about David Swanson and the October 6th People’s Occupation of Washington D.C. at these links:
Stop the Machine! Create a New World!
People's Occupation of Wa. DC
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union
The 35 Articles of Impeachment and the Case for Prosecuting George W. Bush, by Dennis Kucinich
War Is A Lie

Learn more about George Soros, at these links:
George Soros Founder and Chairman Open Society Foundations
Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations
George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order
The Sinister Soros - ACORN Connections You Aren’t Supposed to Notice

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